Our Committee

The Committee’s Vision for the Region

A prosperous, sustainable, cohesive and liveable region.

The Committee’s Purpose

RDA facilitates and advocates for sustainable economic development by collaborating with regional stakeholders.

Our Committee

Our Committee is currently made up of six members including an Acting Chair who is appointed by the Australian Government’s Minister for Regional Development.

Our Committee

Cr Mary Brown

Acting Chair

Mary joined RDA in 2017, was appointed Deputy Chair in 2021 and Acting Chair in late 2024. 

Mary is a Councillor at Hinchinbrook Shire Council. 

She has over 30 years’ experience in private enterprise, has raised six children and has established several local businesses.

Mary is also a past president of the Hinchinbrook Chamber of Commerce.

Ms Maria James


Maria James  is the CEO of MITEZ, a regional development organisation encompassing seven local government areas along the North West corridor, together with mining, transport, logistics and energy members. 

A born and bred North Queenslander, with 14 years prior experience at Port of Townsville, she is passionate about the Northern Australia region and being part of its development.

Mr Chris Boshoff

Chris joined RDA in 2021. Chris was the former President of Commerce North West. He has extensive experience in managing business, project management and has sat on a number of Not for Profit committees.

Chris represents the North West, residing in Mount Isa. However, he has the desire to see the entire North West Corridor flourish. 

Mr Noel Gertz

Noel joined RDA in 2021. Noel co-established On Common Country Pty Ltd in 2017 to provide workforce planning and indigenous procurement services to major resource and infrastructure projects. 

Noel is the current Chairperson of On Common Country. Noel has extensive experience in community engagement.

Cr June Kuhl

June joined RDA in 2017 and is the Deputy Mayor of Richmond Shire Council, having served in local government for since 2008, previously as Deputy Mayor and Councillor.

June and her husband Gavin have operated a grazing property in the Richmond shire for almost 40 years. June is passionate about the shire and its future potential.

June is a Director of Southern Gulf NRM and a member of the LGAQ Natural Assets and NRM Advisory Board

Cr Ashley Gallagher

Ashley joined RDA in 2021. Ashley has been a Councillor at Carpentaria Shire Council for 20 years, four of which were as Mayor.

Ashley has also held other committee and board roles including Southern Gulf Catchments, as well as being involved in many volunteer organizations.

Interested in being a part of the RDA Committee?

Chair, Deputy Chair and member positions will open for applications as vacancies arise or new positions are created.

As positions arise, we will promote via our website, newsletter and social media. We also recommend learning more about joining an RDA committee here.

Our Region

Information and Statistics about Townsville and North West QLD

Grant Finder

View the Grant Finder!

Jobs Townsville North Queensland

Jobs Townsville North Queensland (JTNQ) is one of the Regional Jobs Committee (RJCs) established in Queensland.

Community Housing Project

RDA's Community Housing Project aims to address one of the biggest issues facing rural and regional towns – housing availability.

Regions Rising

RDA’s Regions Rising was a series of events aimed at connecting and strengthening regional businesses.

Our Region

Information and Statistics about Townsville and North West QLD

Grants and Funding

For the latest information on Grants and Funding

Regional Employment Trials Program

A Local Employment Initiative Fund for employment related projects

Inland Queensland Road Actions Program (IQ-RAP)

IQ-RAP improves regional sustainability, productivity and safety on QLD’s inland road network

Aviation Industry Development Project

A project to develop the aviation industry in North and North West QLD

STEMBooster Project

A major skills and economic development initiative for a pipeline of STEM talent.