Jobs Townsville North Queensland




Guidebook for Businesses


Jobs Townsville North Queensland (JTNQ) is one of the Regional Jobs Committee (RJCs) established in Queensland. RJC’s are one of the actions identified in the Queensland Skills Strategy – Skills for Queensland – Great training for quality jobs.

RJCs bring together local industry groups, training providers, local and major employers, employee representatives and councils to help plan local training investment so that it matches local skill needs and drive regional job creation.

RJCs are funded by the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training (DESBT) and RDA is the secretariat and project manager for the Townsville based RJC, Jobs Townsville North Queensland.

Further Information on the Townsville Regional Jobs Committee

Jobs Townsville North Queensland (JTNQ) was established in early 2020 and includes the five local governments that make up North Queensland (Townsville, Hinchinbrook, Burdekin, Charters Towers and Palm Island). Our committee operates under a Terms of Reference with a chair, deputy chair and committee members.


JTNQ has identified its key purpose, industry focus areas and strategic priorities (detailed below) and currently has two funded projects.


To learn more about JTNQ, the projects or to get involved, please contact us via email –

The Townsville Regional Jobs Committee is proudly supported and funded by the Queensland Government.


The purpose of Jobs Townsville North Queensland is to support jobs growth in a strategic manner resulting in the benefit of a strong, more capable and better skilled local labour pool that can positively impact the regional workforce, regardless of industry.

Industry Focus


Health Care and Social Assistance


Professional, Scientific and Technical Services

Transport, Postal and Warehousing

Strategic priorities

Regional Attraction

Youth and Indigenous Employment

Redirection and Revitalisation of Careers

Sustain Jobs Townsville NQ and ensure its success